What are the programs that will best meet domestic workers’ needs and ensure that they join our organizations and stay? How can we build programs that are transformative? How can we orient workers on why and how we organize in our sector, and on our overall analysis of the problems we face and how to address them? This section includes tips on program design for domestic worker organizations, as well as outlines for political education and leadership development workshops developed by NDWA and some of our affiliates.
[Photo description: Members of Centro Humanitario discussing the issues the organization works to address]
Document Guide
In this Toolbox you'll find the following types of documents:
The main document in each section. Read this first!
Discussion Guide
A guide for how to discuss the Recommendation with others in your organization.
Materials referred to in the Recommendation
Forms and templates to download and fill out
Case Study
Stories and inspiration from other organizations
Outline of a participatory training or workshop
Tool Box
Recommendation: Program Design
Discussion Guide: Program Design
Reference: Energizers & Resilience Activities
Reference: Immigration Know-Your-Rights Materials
Coming Soon: Reference: What is Resilience?
Reference: Cultural Activities: Songs & Writings by Domestic Workers
Reference: Steps for Organizing a Meeting
Reference: Tips for Membership Meetings
Reference: Top 10 Reasons Why Organizing Domestic Workers is the Bomb!
Worksheet: Annual Workplan Template
Case Study: Adhikaar Uses Arts and Culture in Organizing
Case Study: From Service to Organizing (St. Peter's Housing)
Case Study: Mujeres Unidas y Activas Builds Organizational Resilience
Workshop: Black Lives Matter Solidarity Workshop
Workshop: The Age of Dignity Discussion Guide
Workshop Materials: Black Lives Matter Solidarity Workshop Powerpoint
Workshop Materials: Pride in our Work- LGBTQ Liberation Zine
Coming Soon: Workshop Series: Core Domestic Worker Political Education Curriculum
Coming Soon: Workshop: History of Domestic Work and Domestic Worker Organizing
Workshop: Fighting Back against Trump’s Muslim Ban and Anti-Muslim Hate
Workshop: Pride in our Work- LGBTQ Liberation
Workshop: NDWA “Know your Rights” Training for Homecare Workers- Facilitator’s Guide
Workshop: Know Your Rights Workshop Materials